Mom answers the phone saying, "And a happy good
morning to you!" It really throws the telemarketers!

This picture captured that huge smile of hers that she is
known and loved for. Doesn't she look adorable?

Mom was the best sport for this photo session. She let me boss
her around, dress her, embellish her, etc. But the photos are
so worth all the effort on BOTH of our parts!

This picture is really about the hat, but doesn't
she wear it elegantly? Thanks, Jeannie,
for the loan of that fabulous hat!

I told Mom to "give me a little attitude."
She just kept smiling at me!

This is one of my favorites from the session.
It captures that mischievous look of hers that
often creeps out of nowhere in any given moment!

This picture has to be my favorite.
Twirling her pearls with that gleam in her eye
shows her playful spirit......still there after 92 years!!!!