Saturday, May 30, 2009


We found some great wildflowers by the side
of the road and hoped we weren't trespassing
when we took advantage of the area!

There were so many great pictures of her in the
wildflowers it was hard to pick out favorites to post!

The way the light is hitting her in this photo
along with her sweet expression,
I think she looks like an angel!

I love the soft look of this photo.

Beth and I had so much fun on our photo shoot!


  1. yes I love the one with the light hitting her face - very sweet!

  2. very beautiful pictures. You are a great artist.
    Thanks for posting.....

  3. My favorite is where she is sitting on the log barefooted.

  4. Okay Karen you have an amazing ability to bring out the best in all your photos. I just love the backdrops. I hope you succeed in you new career! I will be praying for you. Love, Deborah Ripoli
